6 Tips to consider for national pet dental health month

As pet owners, it’s our duty to make sure our furry friends stay healthy. During National Pet Dental Health Month, we can take extra steps to keep our pet’s teeth in great condition. Here are 6 tips to follow:

  1. Brush your pet’s teeth regularly.
  2. Give your pet dental chews and toys.
  3. Visit the vet for regular check-ups.
  4. Feed your pet a nutritious diet.
  5. Avoid giving your pet human food.
  6. Be aware of any signs of dental problems.


February is National Pet Dental Health Month, making it the perfect time for pet owners to focus on keeping their pet’s teeth and gums healthy. Pets need dental care just like humans do. Here are 6 tips to help your pet’s dental health:

  1. Brush your pet’s teeth two or three times a week. Use a toothbrush and toothpaste made for pets.
  2. Get regular vet check-ups. Vets can check for cavities, gingivitis, missing teeth, etc.
  3. Provide a balanced diet. Nutrients help vital organs and bones stay strong and healthy.
  4. Give dental treats. Enzymes in the treats help break down plaque.
  5. Avoid sugary treats. Too much sugar can damage teeth. If you give them, provide water to rinse away any residue.
  6. Get regular teeth cleanings. Professional cleanings remove calcified deposits and tartar build-up. This helps prevent gum diseases.

Benefits of Good Dental Health

Good dental hygiene should be a priority for pet owners all year long. But National Pet Dental Health Month is an annual reminder of the importance of taking care of our furry friend’s teeth and gums. Proper dental care prevents diseases and infections and can keep breath smelling fresh. It also increases longevity and makes brushing easier long-term.

Regular cleanings remove plaque buildup before it turns into tartar, which leads to gum disease. Good dental health decreases bad breath caused by plaque buildup and improves oral odor. Brushing your pet’s teeth daily keeps the mouth healthy and bacteria free, resulting in a longer-lasting smile. Also, it makes them more likely to accept this routine as they age, making brushing much easier.

However, home dental care may not be enough for some pets, especially if they have periodontal disease. So a professional cleaning may be necessary. No matter what type of pet you have or how old they are, start a good dental routine now to ensure their teeth stay pearly white!

Common Dental Health Issues in Pets

At least two-thirds of cats and dogs three years old and up have periodontal disease. This is one of the most common preventable medical conditions that impacts pet health. Other dental health issues include tartar buildup, gingivitis, tooth fractures, infections, loose teeth, tooth loss, and bad breath.

It’s important to recognize signs of oral problems in your pet. They can’t tell you if something’s wrong, so watch for excessive drooling, rubbing their face on furniture, and pawing at their mouth.

Regular dental checkups are vital to keep your pet’s mouth healthy. Especially during National Pet Dental Health Month in February. During these checkups, vets can identify issues before they become serious. Treatments like cleanings and extractions may be done. Home care is also important. Brushing, and a diet formulated for pet dental health, should be done.

How to Maintain Good Dental Health in Pets

February marks National Pet Dental Health Month. It’s important to take measures to keep your pet’s teeth and gums healthy. Here are six tips:

  1. Brush your pet’s teeth twice a week. Use a baby toothbrush and toothpaste. Brush in circular motions around each tooth and gum line.
  2. Give them healthy treats like chew sticks, rawhide, antlers and dental treats. No human snacks!
  3. Offer approved toys like hard rubber chew toys or advanced munch sticks. Supervise and replace them if needed.
  4. Feed them dry kibble. The crunching action helps remove plaque.
  5. Book regular check-ups with a vet. They can spot any problems early on.
  6. Consider natural supplements. Pets benefit from vitamins, minerals & antioxidants. This is cheaper than powered water additives.

Common Treatments for Pet Dental Health Issues

February is National Pet Dental Health Month. It’s a nice time to think about your pet’s dental health. Vets use various treatments for common dental issues in pets. Here are some of them:

  • Cleaning: This is the most popular treatment. It involves removing plaque and tartar with a toothbrush and cleaning solution. This can help avoid gum disease and bad breath.
  • Sealing: If your pet has small cavities or cracks, a sealant can protect them from further damage. It covers the enamel to block bacteria.
  • Root canal: In cases of painful fractures or deep decay, a root canal can save the affected tooth from extraction. Abscesses are drained and new crowns may be put in.
  • Dental surgery: For severe oral disease, surgery may be needed to remove damaged tissue or extract infected teeth. It’s usually done under anesthesia.
  • Oxygen therapy: This procedure uses pure oxygen to help healing and stop bacteria. It reduces inflammation and regulates blood sugar levels after surgery.
  • Dietary changes: Switching your pet’s diet can help with dental health. It provides nutrients, improves breath, reduces plaque build-up, and promotes better chewing habits.

Important Supplements for Pet Dental Health

Supplements are a crucial part of keeping your pet’s teeth and gums healthy. Your vet can help you choose the best one for your pet, depending on their age, breed, diet and lifestyle. Here are some popular dental health supplements:

  • Chlorhexidine: It’s an antiseptic mouthwash that reduces bacteria in pets with periodontal disease or gingivitis.
  • Dental Chews: These are chewable treats that contain natural enzymes like chlorophyll. They reduce plaque and freshen breath. Some also have probiotics that help with digestion.
  • Probiotics: These may work wonders for your pet’s overall health, and their teeth and gums. Probiotics have essential bacteria that act as natural cleaners, reducing plaque and providing essential nutrients.
  • Vitamin C: This helps absorb more calcium, which keeps enamel strong and prevents gum disease, tartar buildup and bad breath.
  • Glucosamine & Chondroitin: These help cells function optimally, and prevent periodontal disease. They also help elderly pets stay active, which is good for physical and mental health, and their oral hygiene.
  • Herbal Supplements: These have better absorption rates than manufactured supplements. Licorice root and turmeric have anti-inflammatory properties, and can soothe painful mouth conditions. Herbal supplements also have anti-bacterial properties, which fight bad breath.

Tips for National Pet Dental Health Month

Annual Pet Dental Health Month is observed in February to remind pet owners of the significance of oral hygiene. Healthy teeth and gums not just improve your pet’s overall wellness, but also reduce the risk of diseases like heart disease, kidney disease, and diabetes. Here are 6 tips to keep your pet’s teeth and gums healthy:

  1. Brushing: This is the most essential tip for your pet’s oral hygiene. Utilize a soft-bristled brush and pet-safe toothpaste (not human toothpaste!) to brush your pet’s teeth at least 2-3 times weekly.
  2. Professional cleaning: Have your vet carry out professional dental cleanings every few years or as suggested by them.
  3. Diet and treats: Feed your pet a nutritionally balanced diet plus chew items to help with plaque removal and keep their gums strong. Select treats specially designed to benefit dental health, like kibble with ridges, Greenies®, and CET® chews – but don’t forget to brush!
  4. Avoid human foods: Do not give your pets unhealthy snacks such as candy bars, chips, or cookies – this can increase the risk for gum disease and other oral problems.
  5. Consider supplements: Consult with your vet about products which can help support good oral health in dogs and cats, like OraVet®Enzadent® Oral Care ChewsProflax Pet Dentals®Oravet® Dental Hygiene chews, etc.
  6. Watch for signs of trouble: Have regular checkups for signs like bad breath, plaque or tartar buildup on teeth, reddening/swelling around gum line, difficulty chewing hard food, or reluctance/pain when opening mouth when touched. If you observe any of these signs, make an appointment right away.


It’s part of your job as a pet parent to be proactive about their dental hygiene. Take time to plan and practice to make brushing easier. This will help your pet have a long and healthy life.

Additionally, regular check-ups are a must. If it’s been awhile since the last one, book an appointment! During the cleaning, your vet can detect any issues and know what follow up care is needed.

These tips during National Pet Dental Health Month and throughout the year are key to keeping your pet happy and healthy:

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What are the 6 tips to consider for National Pet Dental Health Month?

A1. The 6 tips to consider for National Pet Dental Health Month include: 1) brush your pet’s teeth regularly, 2) feed your pet dental-friendly foods, 3) provide dental chews to your pet, 4) schedule regular check-ups and cleanings, 5) schedule dental X-rays when necessary, and 6) use water additives and dental sprays.

Q2. How often should I brush my pet’s teeth?

A2. It is recommended that you brush your pet’s teeth at least once a day to prevent buildup of plaque and bacteria. If you cannot brush your pet’s teeth on a daily basis, then brushing at least three times a week is recommended.

Q3. What type of dental chews are best for my pet?

A3. It is best to provide your pet with dental chews that are specifically designed for dental health. Look for chews that are labeled as having “dental benefits” or “dental care” on the packaging.