Congratulations to Athena and Amore! They’ve Been Crowned Dogs of the Month for January 2024!

2 German Shepard dogs posing outdoors
We have two beautiful German Shepherds to add to the Dog of the Month list! Congrats to Athena and Amoré!

Athena and Amoré are the First Dogs of the Month for 2024!

  • What are your dog’s names?

    Athena & Mi Amoré
  • How did you pick their names?

    Athena is named after the Greek goddess. Amoré is Mi Amore or “My love” after losing my husband.
  • When are their birthdays?

    Athena: 4/30/2020. Amoré: 12/20/2021
  • What breed are they?

    German Shepherd
  • Do they have any nicknames?

    Athena: Tina, Snookers, Baby Girl.  Amoré: Crackhead Baby, Puddin’ Head, Mookie.
  • What are their favorite places to be scratched?

    Athena: Just above the tail.  Amoré: The chest.
  • If they could eat any human food, what would it be?

    Athena: Potato chips & Chicken.  Amoré: Anything but lettuce!
  • What are they most afraid of?

    Athena: The e-collar buzz sound.  Amoré: Nothing!

But what if they were human….

  • If they had a profession, what would it be?

    Athena: CEO as she is a Type A personality! Amoré: TikTok influencer.
  • If they drove a car, what would they drive?

    Athena: Minivan full of kids.  Amoré: Bugatti Chiron Super Sport 300+.

We love them at DDG but let’s here about what they are really like behind closed doors

  • Do they prefer Mama or a bigger fan of Dad?

    Mama’s girls but Auntie Delaney is a close second.
  • What’s the naughtiest thing they dog have ever done?

    Athena: Ate chicken bones. Amoré: Stole a raw chicken breast off the counter.
  • Do they prefer the floor, dog bed, couch or all of the above?

    Athena: All of the above. Amoré: Mama’s bed and the floor.
  • Do they prefer chicken or a steak?

    Athena: Chicken but she’s allergic to it. Amoré: Both!
  • What is their favorite toy?

    Athena: Herding ball. Amoré: Tossing chuck-it balls.
  • Do they prefer a good snuggle or an energetic wrestle session?

    They both love snuggling their Mama but they also love wrestling each other.
  • Do they prefer a walk or a swim?

    Neither, they prefer attacking the water hose.

Straight from their Mama’s mouth

  • What’s your favorite thing to do with them?

    Athena: Long walks, playing herding ball & the laser. Amoré: The chuck-it & herding ball.
  • What’s a day in the life of Athena and Amore like?

    Athena & Amoré wake up then do some barking, lay down, wake up, more barking, eat, go potty, go to DDG, stalk Linnea, come home, sleep, eat, bark at nothing 10,000 times, go potty, then bed.
  • What is one thing you would change about them?

    Athena: Be kinder to her Lil’ sister.  Amoré: Be allergy free!
  • Who is their best friend?

    Athena: Linnea at DDG. Amoré: The neighbor dog, Ellie.
  • What word or phrase do you say to them most often?

    Athena & Amoré:  “STOP BARKING AT NOTHING!”
  • What is their favorite thing about DDG?

    Athena: Linnea! Amoré:  Puppy play outside.
  • What is YOUR favorite thing about DDG?

     Knowing that we are leaving our girls with people who care and love them as much as we do!!!
  • Please tell us anything else about your dogs that you would like us to know!

    They LOVE LOVE LOVE coming to DDG and start barking as soon as we turn off Pilot Knob Rd. toward the building!
Dog Day Getaway’s Dog of the Month photography is brought to you by Kasey and Tyler Rajotte of Studio Twelve:52/Twelve:52 Pets. They have 5 rescue pups of their own – (all fittingly named after Marvel comic book characters) – who also love coming to DDG. So, chances are your furkid(s) and theirs have played together! This is their 11th year documenting wagging tails, nose boops, and slobbery puppy kisses – and when they aren’t doing that they are photographing weddings and families.