Getting Rid of Fleas The Easy Method

You can shampoo your dog weekly, don’t let your dog outside, don’t let your dog play with other dogs (or worse, cats)… and your dog will still get fleas. If not taken care of straight away it can lead to a flea infestation inside your home. Working with dogs for so long, DDG knows what works and what doesn’t. So let’s get rid of and prevent fleas the best possible way.

Don’t Bother With Cheap Flea Products, Here’s Why

It is so much easier easier to prevent fleas than to treat them. Don’t bother with cheap flea cleaning products, grocery store flea collars and sprays. Use a monthly, high quality flea preventative med. You want to get a treatment that is applied directly to your dog’s skin in between the shoulder blades.

If your dog gets fleas, you not only have to worry about getting the fleas off of your dog, but you have to get the fleas out of the environment. That means everywhere your dog has run, jumped, rested or thumped is full of flea eggs that you have to eliminate.

When you notice that your dog has fleas. If your dog has a lot of fleas, they will be easy to spot. But if it’s only a few fleas you will need to check in your dog’s ears, under their belly and armpits. Then look under their tail.

If you notice fleas, it’s time to act quickly. First you need to treat your dog. Your dog needs a Capstar pill. This pill immediately kills all adult fleas within a half hour. You can get this from your vet which costs roughly $7 a pill. You could also check online stores where we’ve found them for $21 for a package of 6 pills.

Use Capstar, Advantage or Frontline and You’ll Send Fleas Packing

Using Capstar will save you so much time and trouble combating an infestation of fleas. After you apply the Capstar you need to follow up with a flea preventative. This is because the environment still has fleas and you don’t want your dog to get re-infested during the treatment process. Though it can get pricey, I would recommend using Frontline or Advantage.

Once you apply Capstar you then need to begin treating the environment where your dog lives, sleeps, plays, etc. Basically your house.

  • Remove all the dog bedding and immediately wash it
  • Vacuum all the floors where the dog has had free run
  • Throw away the vacuum bag because it probably contains flea eggs
  • Get your pet out of the house and spray your house down using Knockout ES (ask your vet). After you use Knockout ES you will need to leave your home for a few hours because the smell will be very strong.
    • Open all windows
    • Spray all carpeted areas
    • Couches, cushions and under all furniture
    Now you should have your dog and the environment under control. But there is still a chance that flea eggs did not get treated and are ready to hatch so in 2-3 weeks you need to repeat the environment treating. In 4 weeks, reapply Frontline or Advantage to your dog.