Is Your Dog Ready For Kennel Boarding

Many families in the Apple Valley, Bloomington, Minneapolis, Eagan, Rosemount, Lakeville and Farmington communities love their dogs and often find it difficult finding someone to care for their pet while their away on holiday or at work; this is where Dog Day Getaway boarding services can help. At Dog Day Getaway (#DDG), we strive to give your dog as place to stay and play, but, you need to be sure your dog is ready for dog boarding; and we’ll help to show how.

Kennel Boarding Readiness

Dog Day Getaway is always ready to help you board your dog, but we will need to determine if your dog is ready for dog boarding. As well, are you ready to board your dog? DDG is available to help kennel boarding at a moments notice for family emergencies, but it’s always best to have your dog come to our 12k sq ft facility in Apple Valley to get a feel for the staff and surroundings. You can simply make an appointment to tour our facility any time during business hours.

Some dogs deal with separation anxiety and don’t handle being away from their parent’s for a lengthy amount of time. If this is the case with your dog, it might be best to have them spend the night every so often prior to a trip you may be taking. We’ve boarded dogs for lengthy periods of time while their owners were away on business or lengthy holidays. So we know what it takes to keep a pooch happy while you’re gone.

If you’ve never tried boarding before, we’d love to speak with you about the Dog Day Getaway boarding center and how well our facility is equipped to handling dogs of all sizes and breeds. We have overnight packages to lengthy stays, we also offer bathing and grooming services and dog walking.

When you’re considering where your family will stay on vacation, please consider where your dog will be staying and who with. Our professional staff and state-of-the-art facility will keep your dog happy and healthy while you’re away. We also cater to senior dogs! Stop in, call or even watch our webcams to see what Dog Day Getaway is all about and how much we care for all of our clients!